Last night saw the great and the good of the men’s playing sides gather for the annual Players Dinner. With everyone in best bib and tucker, it was time to celebrate another amazing season for the Club!
We were treated to a presentation of highlights of the year before enjoying a wonderful curry courtesy of Dina at Castlethorpe Stores...then it was time for the awards.
With such high performance across all the teams this year, there was much competition in each category. The, often hilarious, video compilations and messages of congratulations showing how deserving of their award's the winners were. So, with no further delay...
Our congratulations to the 2023/34 award winners
Celebrations continued with an impromptu (that does mean out of tune doesn’t it?!) Karaoke and much general talk of how much better players were in the old days and how far away Darlington is
We would like to thank everyone who helped organise and run the evening, with special thanks to the bar team!
More on the Club’s playing achievements at the AGM on 27th June